Monday, May 14, 2007

THOMPSONMANIA!!!! The latest epidemic!

Over on the Sean Hannity Forums, there is a recent trend of endorsements for former Senator Fred Thompson of Tennessee. This thread in particular caught my attention, mainly due to the trollish nature of the poster who created it.

Now, I understand that there is also a trend of endorsements for Representative Ron Paul of Texas, on the forum and everywhere else. However, the main difference is that there is lots of substance to support Ron Paul's efficiency in governing a nation, constitutionally and in every other aspect. Such attributes cannot be imputed to Thompson, at least not yet.

My other "beef" with Thompsonmania is the seemingly worshipful, borderline fetish that it is about. It is manifested in threads, posts, signature lines, custom titles, avatars, and everywhere else. Not even the "Paulettes" go to such an extreme extent!! Can you spell turn-off?

The next 18 months shall prove to be very interesting in this crazy world of politics...

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